
Monday, June 13, 2011

Helping Ourselves In America revised

Not to be a horrible person, but with all these Earthquakes and tornadoes happening, America can't save everyone..what of our own country and our own people? I mean we still have people trying to recover from Hurricane Katrina..and the people on the east coast suffering from the winter blast just recently? and the poor people living on the streets, and what about Recession...California is they say!! where is all this money coming from to help other countries??? and what pray tell if A major Earthquake hits here in the U.S. who will help us out??? we help all these countries and where are they when we need some help??? is it just me, or shouldn't we be helping our own country, so we can remain a strong nation??

ok. I stand corrected..yes I guess other countries do help in various ways...but it seems that we americans are always forking out cash aid to everyone..and various other kinds of help..which I don't mind so much, but my whole point is that we are going broke in the meantime according to the government.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Recipe for a healthy relationship

Recipe For A perfect Relationship

1 cup friendly words
1/4 cup of kisses
2/3 cup of hugs
1 cup of fiery passion
1/2 cup of communication
2 heaping cups of understanding
4 heaping tbsp of time and patience
pinch of warm personality
dash of humor

Measure your words carefully. add heaping cups of understanding add 1/2 cup of communication, use generous amounts of time and patience, add a cup of fiery passion, throw in a cup of kisses add 2/3 cup of hugs. simmer slowly in saucy pan. keep temperature not boil!!! Add a dash of humor and a pinch of warm personality. Season to taste with spice of life. Serve in coffee cups. This recipe is Guaranteed to never fail.
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